Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers who had ever lived, once said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.” Surely, you would readily agree to Aristotle’s statement, for you clearly understand that your personality is really a product of all the habits that you have imbibed throughout your growing up process.
Building a habit is like learning a new language is a priceless skill. One of the most common widely used language is the Chinese language. First, you would begin with learning primary chinese lessons involving a few new vocabularies which can be carried out in a fun an simplest way possible. Later on, you would associate these new vocabularies with their corresponding ideas in reality. Afterwards, you would begin to weave these words into logical sentences that are logically intelligible to another person who knows how to speak in Chinese. Through constant practice, you would certainly become proficient in that language in the long run. Once you become proficient in Chinese, you would never forget it, and speaking in that language would definitely become second nature to you.
Proficiency in many languages other than your mother tongue surely adds something to your value and personality. You would be sometimes considered as excellent and desirable if you have mastered many languages. Likewise, if you have mastered more than two languages, you are on your way to become a polyglot; and surely, if you know more than two languages, you definitely have an excellent edge over other people who are only fluent and cognizant of their mother tongue. You can either use this competitive edge over other people by maximizing your language skills and leveraging your career by going international – either on your own or business.
Horace Mann also once said: “habits are like a cable, and you weave a strand every day, and soon you can no longer break it.” True enough, once you’ve learned another language, speaking in that language will become second nature to you, and no one can really take away that skill away from you. Lastly, some of your habits are learned subconsciously. Yet, the good thing about life is, developing new positive habits that can enhance and improve your personality doesn’t stop.