Understanding Chinese behaviour, culture and history will greatly ease your life in the new country and build up your business relationship. Linda Mandarin’s culture training workshop is designed to clients who will be relocated or work in China or who are working with Chinese people and business partners in Singapore. We address the situations expatriates encounter in their life and work in China and Singapore.
Singapore is the heart of South East Asia with Chinese as its majority population. China, as its close neighbour, is the uprising star of the world economy. In your business in Asia, you may have a lot of opportunities to work with Chinese people no matter where you are.
Chinese Culture in Singapore, this workshop covers topics from Chinese culture and history and its influence on people’s characters to business behaviours, from business etiquettes to dining etiquettes, from verbal communication to body language.
You will explore the Chinese cultural difference via scenarios learning and discussions.
We have recently completed Chinese Cultural Training for TATA Consultancy Services Asia Pacific
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