Why Learning A New Language In Singapore Is A Good Idea

Mandarin Course Skillsfuture, Mandarin Course Skillsfuture Singapore

Singapore is a bilingual country as a result of the government’s national policy. There are four official languages in Singapore: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil.

If you are an English-speaking foreigner, you will be relieved to know that you will be able to navigate Singapore just fine.

However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to learn a new language, like Chinese. Even though Singapore’s bilingualism makes it easier for you to blend in as a foreigner, the multiple languages spoken in Singapore make the country a perfect opportunity for you to try and pick up a new language organically.

Singapore citizen or not, learning a new language is undoubtedly good for you.

If you need any more reasons as to why this is a good idea, read on.

1. It makes it easier for you to socialize

Even though a huge number of locals in Singapore know how to speak multiple languages, they might be more comfortable speaking in one particular language, such as their mother tongue – and for many Singaporeans, it is Chinese.

Knowing how to speak both English and Chinese proficiently can help you gain new friends and a better understanding of what it’s like to be one of the locals.

2. Being bilingual makes you more attractive in the eyes of employers

Because Singapore is a bilingual country, many employers prefer their employees to know how to speak both English and Mandarin fluently.

By picking up Chinese, you help to pad up your resume and get some free practice at work as well. It also makes you a more highly-respected individual in the office place. Plus, learning a new language makes it easier for you to make friends, which can be a valuable skill in the workplace.

There’s also the fact that more and more international companies are starting to invest in Singapore. Majority of these said companies prefer people who can speak their language fluently.

Being bilingual definitely helps to further improve your employment prospects. And it isn’t hard to find a school that offers comprehensive courses at affordable prices – it is highly recommended to sign up for a Mandarin course under Skillsfuture.

3. Learning a new language is good for the brain

When you know multiple languages, your brain is in a constant motion of listening and subconsciously translating the words that are being said to you in a different language.

Because of this increased activity in the brain, people who are multilingual have a much lower chance of getting memory loss or dementia once they are older.

That’s not to say that learning a new language isn’t easy. You will encounter challenges and you need to pump in plenty of time and effort to try and gain at least a basic level of familiarity of any language, especially at the beginning.

Fortunately, there are many programs available today, making it effortless to hire a language tutor to help you learn the basics and nuances of Chinese.

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