How to Wish Chinese New Year: 45 Meaningful Greetings and Wishes



The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. It marks the start of the lunar calendar and is a time for family reunions, festive Chinese New Year celebrations, and expressing well wishes for the upcoming year. The holiday is deeply tied to themes of renewal, good fortune, and a flourishing year ahead.

Chinese New Year greetings hold great cultural significance. They reflect themes of good health, happiness, and prosperity while showcasing respect for traditions. Exchanging these greetings strengthens bonds with loved ones, business partners, and acquaintances. By learning the most popular Chinese New Year phrases, even beginners can confidently participate in this tradition and spread good cheer.

This guide provides meaningful phrases to help you celebrate the Year of the Snake, fostering connections and spreading warm wishes to everyone in your circle.

Chinese New Year Greetings in the Year of the Snake

Year of the Snake animation


The Year of the Snake symbolises wisdom, intuition, and transformation. The snake is revered in Chinese culture for its elegance and ability to navigate challenges with resilience and insight. Greetings for the Year of the Snake highlight these qualities and express good fortune for the year ahead.

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
蛇年大吉Shé nián dà jíWishing great luck in the Year of the Snake.
蛇行吉祥Shé xíng jí xiángMay the snake bring auspicious blessings.
灵蛇献瑞Líng shé xiàn ruìWishing you prosperity brought by the graceful snake.
如蛇添翼Rú shé tiān yìMay you have added strength and success, like a snake with wings.
蛇盘吉庆Shé pán jí qìngMay the coiled snake symbolise continuous joy and celebration.

These greetings celebrate the snake’s symbolic wisdom and agility, making them ideal for wishing good fortune fall on loved ones.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Wishing Wealth and Prosperity

Happy woman


Wealth and financial success are central themes of Chinese New Year wishes, reflecting hopes for a prosperous year ahead. These phrases are perfect for friends, family, and businesses:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
恭喜发财Gōng xǐ fā cáiWishing you wealth and prosperity.
财源广进Cái yuán guǎng jìnMay your wealth flow abundantly.
招财进宝Zhāo cái jìn bǎoMay treasures fill your home.
金玉满堂Jīn yù mǎn tángWishing your house is filled with gold and jade.
生意兴隆Shēng yì xīng lóngMay your business flourish.
富贵有余Fù guì yǒu yúMay wealth and abundance always be with you.
财运亨通Cái yùn hēng tōngWishing you endless good fortune.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Wishing Success

Opening champagne bottle


These success-oriented greetings are ideal for those pursuing academic success, career goals, or business achievements:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
事业有成Shì yè yǒu chéngWishing you success in your career.
步步高升Bù bù gāo shēngMay you achieve new heights step by step.
马到成功Mǎ dào chéng gōngMay success come swiftly.
学业进步Xué yè jìn bùMay your studies progress smoothly.
前程似锦Qián chéng sì jǐnWishing you a future as bright as brocade.
节节胜利Jié jié shèng lìMay you have continuous victories.

These wishes encourage growth, resilience, and progress in the upcoming year, making them perfect for students, professionals, and entrepreneurs.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Happiness, Health, and Peace

Health and happiness are essential themes of Chinese New Year greetings, emphasising the importance of well-being and harmony:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
身体健康Shēn tǐ jiàn kāngWishing you good health.
万事如意Wàn shì rú yìMay all your wishes come true.
心想事成Xīn xiǎng shì chéngMay your dreams be realised.
平安喜乐Píng ān xǐ lèWishing you peace and joy.
幸福美满Xìng fú měi mǎnMay your life be filled with happiness.
四季平安Sì jì píng ānWishing you peace throughout all four seasons.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Friends and Peers

Friends having party


For friends and peers, casual yet meaningful greetings spread good cheer and strengthen relationships:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
新年快乐Xīn nián kuài lèHappy New Year!
好运连连Hǎo yùn lián liánWishing you continuous good fortune.
天天开心Tiān tiān kāi xīnMay you be happy every day.
岁岁平安Suì suì píng ānWishing you peace year after year.
笑口常开Xiào kǒu cháng kāiMay your smile bring happiness to others.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Family Members

Heartfelt greetings for family members express love, respect, and unity during this festive season:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
爸爸妈妈新年快乐Bà ba mā ma xīn nián kuài lèHappy Chinese New Year, Mum and Dad!
健康长寿Jiàn kāng cháng shòuWishing health and longevity to elders.
子孙满堂Zǐ sūn mǎn tángMay your family be filled with joy and descendants.
合家欢乐Hé jiā huān lèWishing your whole family happiness and joy.
福气满堂Fú qì mǎn tángWishing blessings to fill your home.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Clients

Strengthen relationships with business partners and clients by sending these professional greetings:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
财源滚滚Cái yuán gǔn gǔnMay your wealth roll in.
事业发达Shì yè fā dáWishing your business grow and prosper.
生意兴隆Shēng yì xīng lóngMay your business flourish this year.
合作愉快Hé zuò yú kuàiWishing us a successful collaboration.
前途无量Qián tú wú liàngMay your future prospects be limitless.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Colleagues and Bosses

Office celebration


In the workplace, Chinese New Year greetings are an opportunity to strengthen professional relationships while showing respect and appreciation. These greetings should strike a balance between formality and warmth, making them suitable for colleagues, supervisors, and managers.

Here are some phrases to wish your colleagues and bosses a prosperous year, great success, and harmony at work:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
工作顺利Gōng zuò shùn lìWishing you smooth work.
步步高升Bù bù gāo shēngMay you climb higher step by step in your career.
事业有成Shì yè yǒu chéngWishing your career great success.
开工大吉Kāi gōng dà jíWishing you great luck in your work.
财运亨通Cái yùn hēng tōngMay you enjoy abundant financial success.
合气生财Hé qì shēng cáiMay harmony bring prosperity to our workplace.
前程似锦Qián chéng sì jǐnWishing you a bright and prosperous future.
业绩辉煌Yè jì huī huángMay you achieve brilliant performance in your work.
吉祥如意Jí xiáng rú yìWishing you auspiciousness and smooth success.
事业蒸蒸日上Shì yè zhēng zhēng rì shàngMay your career rise day by day.

Chinese New Year Greetings for Cards and Messages

When sending New Year greeting cards, use these phrases to convey heartfelt wishes:

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
春节快乐Chūn jié kuài lèHappy Spring Festival!
福星高照Fú xīng gāo zhàoMay the lucky star shine upon you.
年年有鱼Nián nián yǒu yúWishing you abundance every year (symbolised by two fish).
万事大吉Wàn shì dà jíWishing everything great success.
心想事成Xīn xiǎng shì chéngMay your dreams come true.


The Year of the Snake reminds us of the importance of wisdom, resilience, and transformation. Exchanging meaningful Chinese New Year greetings fosters connections and ensures blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

Explore our Conversational Chinese Course to enhance your skills and visit LindaMandarin for more information on celebrating the Spring Festival. Wishing you a flourishing year filled with good health, happiness, and success!

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